Dark Warriors Reunited | The Bridge To Finding Your Soul Tribe And Discovering Your Soul Family

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Experiencing phases like "The Dark Night of the Soul" is one of the most challenging and painful phases one can endure through the early stages of a Spiritual Awakening.

Negative emotions such as doubt, worry, anxiety, fear, and hopelessness consume our minds.

These kinds of nights can have you believing like you are going crazy or losing it!

It is a time in our lives where we feel so alone and on the verge of discontinuing all we have worked so vigorously to achieve.

Everything in your current reality feels so gloomy as if you had been swallowed whole into a Dark Abyss.

Perhaps You Can Relate?

I know when I first began this Spiritual Journey - I often wondered if it was only me experiencing these kind of self-sabotaging thoughts and emotions...

...Soon after I realized so many others were undergoing the same process which is known in the Spiritual community as "Releasing".

Before stepping into your True Authentic Self there must first be a release of the "Old" you. 

And the only way to do so is to purge and process any stagnant emotions or traumas in which are haulting your Ascenion.

I say all this to inform you that what helped me (and so many others) stay afloat while going through this dark phase (or any dark phase for that matter) was having like-minded individuals who could feel what I felt and experiencing EXACTLY what I was. 

This my friend... 

Is what is referred to as your Soul Tribe.

A Soul Tribe understands you on a Spiritual and Visceral level when very few around you do.

Here in Dark Warriors Reunited you will find precisely that - YOUR Soul Tribe. 

However - This community is so much more than just a place to find your Soul Tribe.

Dark Warriors Reunited will be the Bridge To Finding Your Soul Tribe And Discovering Your Soul Family

What You Get From Joining Dark-Warriors Reunited:

  • Weekly 75 Minute Recorded Zoom Meetings Where We Share Our Current Struggles, Triggers, Challenges, And Assist Each Other In Overcoming Them Together. I Will Be Sharing Specific Tools, Technqiues, And Strategies To Help Guide You In Releasing What No Longer Serves As Well.

  • Access To A Private Slack Group Where We Will All Connect, Support, And Build Together. The Community Group Will Be There To Assist You In Moments When You Feel Stagnant, Disconnected From Spirit, & Uninspired To Contniue Onward. You Will Be Surrounded By Like-Minded Individuals Who Want You To Ascend To Next Level Of Your Awakening & Create Substantial Shifts In Your Reality.

  • 1-On-1 Personalized 30 Minute Power Call With Yours Truly To Dive Even Deeper Into An Area Of Your Life You Would Like Assistance With Or Feel Is Blocking You From Moving Forward.

  • Special Guest Appearances By Top Leaders In The Spiritual Community To Aid You In Your Ascension Journey

Exclusive Bonus To All Members:

Free Unlimited Access To My Newest Digital Course ~ You Are Powerful (Life-Purpose) Course ($297 Value)

Free Time Management Mini-course By A Super Successful Mentor Of Mine To Help You Create More Results, Fulfillment, And Structure In Your Life (Priceless)

The Core Beliefs And Foundation of Dark-Warriors Reunited:

When you feel overwhelmed or as if life has drained every last ounce of your energy - We Are Here.

When you feel you can not hold yourself any second longer - We Are Here.

When you feel you have no sense of direction or it is challenging to find meaning in life for the moment - We Are Here.

When your Spirit feels broken and damaged - We Are Here.

Thank you my friend for allowing us to be a Sacred Space in your reality.

Let's Ascend and Heal as one Soul Family.

See you inside the Community.

Your Friend,

Rogelio Diaz

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Dark Warriors Reunited | The Bridge To Finding Your Soul Tribe And Discovering Your Soul Family

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