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hey I wanted to talk to you about the subject of back pain I know a lot about back pain because I had it for a lot of years when I was 12 years old I was run over by a hayride I was on a hayride I fell out trailer ran over the whole right side of my back by the time I was 15 I was in excruciating pain they told me that I'd be crippled by the time I was thirty years old my spine started to grow all twisted so I have a long background in with back pain a long history okay and the great news is I healed it by the time I was in my late 20s I healed the spinal disease completely in my mid-20s they told me my spine looked like I was 85 years old so I happen to know something about this on top of that I have trained extensively for years in Qigong practices and in medical Qigong practices so I've seen it from a lot of angles I've helped a lot of clients with it let me see if I can shortcut it for you your bones may be an issue your tissues may be an issue but the one place that people don't really emphasize or think about very much unless they're an oriental medicine practitioner and even many of those people like acupuncturist and so on or a massage therapist don't even think about it as much as one might think about it in oriental medicine the organs are the area in which you have issues in order to have issues and your tissues you have to have issues in the organs so if there's stagnation in your liver if the Chi is not moving through your stomach area if you have different things going on in your intestines and so on then you're gonna create all kinds of problems all the way up your back up into your shoulders etc how many of you knew that right here on my shoulder that's actually related to the gallbladder most people don't even realize that there are meridians that are running up here related to the gallbladder but the gallbladder gallbladder is all the way down here so cleansing and clearing the organ system is hugely important so the number one there are so many different things I can teach you but I want to give you a simple exercise and this is number one no one is work with your breath don't like take one breath or two breaths and then go like oh okay I wonder if like my back is healed now okay there's a lot of cleaning up that needs to be done but do not underestimate the power of the breath when you ask someone the doctor asks you for example go ahead and take a deep breath you go that is not a deep breath so when somebody says to you exhale your breath for a minute ha you go ha ha and like maybe that's all that you can get out there's carbon dioxide living in there there's poison living in there that poisons gonna create lactic acid in your tissues and your muscles are going to be sore so taking a deep breath is very important but in order to take a deep breath what's even more important is what's called the exhalation so I'm gonna take a little deep a little bit of a breath in through my nose I'm gonna go and then I'm gonna go [Music] don't hurt yourself with this but a little more a little more I could go longer but you probably won't be able to go that long most of you and then after you're done with that you're gonna and then hold it and then huh if you had the eyes to see it poison is coming out of that exhalation poison you know in fact when I was in college of my second degree studying molecular cellular biology I still can't find this I think it's like hidden I don't know why but it seems almost like this information is hidden but I swear I saw it in my anatomy and physiology book 75% of the toxins in your blood are released through the exhalation I don't know exactly what they've discovered the exact percentages these days but I can tell you that is a key secret if you want to heal your back pain you have to heal your organs if you want to heal your organs you've got to get out the bad breath and you've got to get out the carbon dioxide that's sitting in those tissues that's sitting in those organs this is one exercise to do it all right i'm david j kuhn when she going awareness thanks for tuning in [Music]


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