Nifty Web 20 - Mini Site Machine

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Have you ever used any link building tool which posts content to contextual websites like WordPress, Jimbio, Yola, Livejournal etc.?

Most of the tools do post on some of these sites but majority of the target sites are low authority spammed domains and offer no value. You need backlinks from high authority websites which change their HTML code almost everyday and make it difficult for automated tools to post content.

But such tools are needed because they help you build many backlinks in a short span of time. They can help us automate link building process and ultimately rank higher.

So we need backlinks from quality sites but we need them fast too. This is a tricky situation but there is a solution. That solution is semi-automation. Use web browser automation to login and post content skipping the labor part.

If you have ever tried building backlinks using your browser manually then you know the problems - You need to copy different articles each time you need to create a post.

You also cannot use different proxies and different accounts without them. You have to manually switch proxies per session and hence can work with only one set of accounts. What if you wanted to post content to different accounts on same site?

Nifty Web 20 can help you achieve all these things. You can easily post content to multiple accounts on same website using different instances of the tool. And you can use different proxy with each instance of the software.

All you have to do is load your accounts and articles, press F1 and F2 to login and F3 and F4 to post your title and article. Since the software supports spintax, it posts a unique article without you doing anything. It gets rid of all the manual labor work and makes the link building process faster.

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Nifty Web 20 Tool and Nifty Link Indexer

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Nifty Web 20 - Mini Site Machine

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