Polar Bear Breathing

3 Different sizes offered:

8 by 12 fine art paper print (Edition of 250) $125

12 by 18 metal print (Edition of 16) $499

24 by 36 metal print (Edition of 16) $1299

Only ships in the United States, shipping & handling included

(Expected shipping 3-4 weeks)

While we were on a small boat in the Alaskan Arctic, we saw a lone polar bear far far away. We couldn't get any closer as the sea ice had all frozen. The light angle to most of us on the boat was not "ideal" as the light source was not behind us. So most of us didn't even put up their camera but just observing. I instantly saw a rare opportunity. The sea ice reflected gold. With the dark profile of the polar bear, I envision that once the polar bear breathed out, the warm air would turn golden, and the dark profile of the polar bear could let the color shows. Too far away? Not when I had the 2X teleconverter! I immediately put on the converter and waited for the moment. 600mm and 2x converter is extremely heavy and hard to balance. My arms felt numb when finally the polar bear faced our direction and breathed out. Not only did the air breathing out turned gold, but also the wet fur.

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Polar Bear Breathing