Premium access for (subscription)

0 ratings is an email-based course for getting better in modelling database schema / ER diagrams. You receive one database modelling exercise per week.

ER diagrams are a central part of many exams like Software Engineering studies or the training for Fachinformatiker in Germany. ER diagrams need a lot of practice.

With premium access to you receive not just the weekly exercises but also detailled blueprints (ER diagram, annotated database model) how to realize requirements.

You can find sample exercises in our blog.

After you have purchased this product, you will automatically receive an email with your first exercise. For larger tiers, you can invite other trainees.

As long as you have a valid subscription, you (and your trainees or pupil) will receive the solutions on a weekly basis. With cancelling your subscription, you'll loose access.

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€2.75 a month

Premium access for (subscription)

0 ratings