"Surrender" - Giclee Print

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Powerful Quality Giclee Print on Archive Art Paper or Stretched Canvas.

Available in 2 sizes:

Prints on paper have a small white border and Artist's Signature.

Prints on Canvas are stretched over a deep edge frame, so no need to frame.

(contact Fleur directly to explore other print sizes and options, info@fleurbarnfather.co.uk)



'Surrender to that wild magical force that is you.

Allow all of you to melt into the bliss of your power.

You are a Universe, a Wild Powerful Stallion, and Wondrous Dragon!

Recreating yourself over and over again.

Surrender to the totality of your Infinite Being.

Surrender and feel your innate freedom!'

with love Fleur Barnfather x

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High Quality Inspiring Giclee Print

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"Surrender" - Giclee Print

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