Playset 2: Your Life Masterpiece Play Set

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Master the art of creating what you want in your life through your Creativity. We are all creative. Your creative genius is working 24/7, but most of us don't even know how we are using it. Worse yet; many of us are using this superpower to get what we do NOT want!" Maria Mar

This play set gives you the insight, practices and tools to master your and put it to good use creating what you DO want in your life. And you'll have lots of fun while doing it because Maria uses the of learning and changing.

That's why she includes:

  • Inspiring and moving stories that appeal to your Emotional Intelligence, imagination, empathy and identification. This is the Female Way and the Right-brain way.
  • Audios- Your listening is one of the most primal senses you have. In fact, it's the last one to go. When you combine it with drawing, journal writing or other senses, it has a powerful effect in habit-changing and going deep into your subconscious.
  • Playsheets- Designed to get you into a creative laboratory to explore things, to engage your senses, to connect the dots and to use your creativity and have fun.

The Play Decoy Shamanic Trick

Why does Maria include so many playful, sensory, emotional and imaginative, fun stuff in this set? 

She's performing an old shamanic trick. She calls it the "Play Decoy." Here's the gist of it. When you are having fun, you relax and your hidden defenses ~those that hide in dark places in your psyche and you don't even know they are there; but they sabotage you~ well, they let down their hair (so to speak). And that's when the information speeds by your (the guard dog of your subconscious mind) and enters your psyche. Neat trick, isn't it?

Healing the Sacred Child

There's another reason why Maria likes to play for transformation. Play brings out your Sacred Child. She likes to draw, dance, sing and do fun things. And she's the scout to your past wounds and memories. She is often trapped in limited learning and yearning for you to parent her back into her luminous, creative playful being you were born to be. Playing brings her out to be your scout in whatever learned limitations you are facing that you forgot while it allows you to heal her. Double whammy!

Plus, we can all use more play and less work in our life. Transformation is hard work, so why not make it lighter?

Your Human Creative Palette

In the MagicMark your Life Play Set artist-shaman Maria Mar offers an experiential, creative laboratory to identify how you are using your . These are the hues in your .

She helps you develop mastery of your human using them in your life to change what you don't want, create what you want, experience your full potential and co-create your purpose with the Universe.

 In this playset Maria walks you through the first three in your : Body, Emotions and Thoughts.

Discover how the results you have now in your life are the consequence of using these three faculties against your conscious intentions.

The Primer, Introduction to the Human Creative Palette explains how your creative faculties work in such clarity and detail that you'll feel like you went to first grade in the Art of Living School!

There is a profound relieve when you get a clear picture of the fundamental principles behind what you've been doing unconsciously (because nobody taught you what was going on); so that you can now direct those same gifts and faculties to do it differently and ~instead of sabotaging yourself~ generating exactly what you want! That's priceless!

The Playsheets incorporate Maria's trademark "Show, don't tell" approach to the laboratory. Maria walks you through the process visually and with interactive playsheets that allow you to apply the knowledge right there and to assess how you've been using your Creative Faculties on the spot.

If you like a hands-on approach to personal growth and manifestation, you'll love our play sets.

The audio laboratory

This audio is a life creation laboratory of 2.5 hours.It walks you through the whole process of discovering and using your three first Creative Faculties.

After you read the Primer, put the audio on and use the playsheets as indicated to flush out the three first Creative Faculties in your Human Creative Palette.

Detect how you've been using these faculties to create what you don't want.

There's no need to judge yourself. No shame. In fact, this is a necessary part of the laboratory. The first stage of the genius is to find out what does NOT work. This were the 1000 ways Edison found on how NOT to build a light bulb that lead to the ONE way on how to do it.

As you see how you've been using these faculties, you are going to have BIG Eureka! moments. That's when you move to phase two.

Now you go on a spree to consciously, intentionally and creatively use these faculties (body, emotions and thoughts) to create what you want in your life right now.

Once you master the use of those three faculties you will be a Master Artist of your Life Masterpiece.

It can happen this year, if you DO it now. Everything you need to use your most powerful Creative Faculties is in here.

Storybook Joy and the Goldfish

Joy and the Goldfish I've added an extra layer that comes from the For centuries, women have been passing on values, knowledge and tools for living through the art of storytelling.

Storytelling bypasses the resistance of the logical mind and activates your . It also takes you into a journey through the power of resonance and empathy, so that you become the protagonist and go through her transformation.

The storybook Joy and the Goldfish was created to transmit this knowledge to you through the adventures of Joy, who is miserable at the beginning of the story. Goldfish shows up to take her into an underwater adventure that teaches her how to use her body, emotions and thoughts creatively, just as she uses a brush and color palette to do the colorful hearts she loves to create.

Enjoy the story, and the knowledge is sipping into your psyche as you relax into its magic!

The storybook comes in multiple digital formats for all your devices. You can also read it from your browser from wherever you are.

Easy. Fun. Powerful.


Includes the From Desire to Embodiment Set with two special reports, one inspirational audio-visual poetry journey and one meditation audio:

  • 4 Steps to Create the Life you Want: From an "I have to" to an "I love to" Life
  • Dream Creation: From Desire to Embodiment
  • Thanks for the Churning
  • Vibrational Booster (tibetan bowl and spirit chimes meditation audio)


  • Primer:Introduction to the Human Creative Palette
  • Audio-laboratory 2.5 hours
  • Playsheets 
  • Storybook (multiple digital formats)

  • BONUS: 2 reports, one audio-visual poetry journey, 1 audio

All immediately downloadable.

A Value of $50

You pay only $38 USD


Premium Editions:

BRONZE LEVEL: Maria supports you in your journaling, answers your questions and gives you new shamanic and creative tools in a bank-level secured online site.

Guided Journal Writing: Use journal writing to go through the story applying it to yourself. Maria answers your questions and supports you as you do the playsheets in a safe, secure online journal. You invite Maria Mar to any entry you want to share. The rest are private. She gives you feedback, answers and tools to apply this knowledge to your life. Turn the playsheet into a life-changing support program.

1 months guided journal writing for only $150


GOLD LEVEL: Maria supports you in your journaling for 3 months.

  • Same as Bronze level, but with 3 months support.
  • Also includes the updated story, which is now been developed as a novella.

3 months guided journal writing for only $400


PLATINUM LEVEL: Guided Journal Writing PLUS one 2-hour Sacred Journey to set your Human Creative Palette up.

  • 3 months Guided Journal Writing
  • One live-face-to-face 2-hour Sacred Journey with Maria Mar in herVirtual Studio to set up your intention, clarify your challenges and get a creative project through which you can use the Human Creative Palette to paint the life you want or manifest your dream.

A value of 750. You get a discount of $50.

Added cost: $700

Playset cost: $38_______

Total cost only $738 USD

How it  Premium Editions work:

Click button to purchase. At the purchase page you will be asked your email and phone. Maria will contact you via email and you will be able to set up your online journal and book your private session using the links she will send you.

Click to buy and Play to Awaken the Magic in your Life!

I want this!

Primer: Introduction to the Human Creative Palette/PDF Format

Audio laboratory
Storybook (Multiple digital Formats)
4 Steps to Create the Life you Want (special report)
Dream Creation (special report)
Audio-visual poetry journey
Vibration Booster (audio)
Enrichment Addons for Bronze, Gold or Platinum Level
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Playset 2: Your Life Masterpiece Play Set

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