Axure Responsive Widget Library
This Axure Responsive UI Kit contains over 100+ responsive UI elements guaranteed to allow you to start building responsive wireframes in Axure in no time.
You can preview all the components contained within the library here
In this package you will get:
There are two versions of the library:
Version 3 - Built specifically for Axure RP8
Version 2 - Built for Axure RP7
In both versions you will receive:
1. Responsive Template File (.rp file)
2. Responsive Axure Widget Library (.lib file)
3. Read Me File to get you up and running
How it works:
- The Responsive Template file (RP file) sets the document break points and grid structures.
- The library file contains over 100+ responsive UI elements
All widgets are built to 3 breakpoints:
1. Desktop = 1200px
2. Tablet (portrait) = 768px
3. Mobile (portrait) = 320px
UI Elements:
Here's just a small look at some of the responsive UI elements this package contains:
- Responsive Typography
- Headers
- Carousels
- Galleries
- Footers
- Cards
- Features
- Pre-loaders
- Modals
- Alerts
- Tooltips
and more... all for just £25.
Over 100+ responsive axure widgets crammed full of common UI patterns. All widgets are responsive to 3 breakpoints for Desktop, Tablet (portrait) and Mobile