setattr season 1: developer tools

$19 $15.20
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A setattr season is a set of videos that follow a certain topic, coupled with exercises to help you keep the knowledge. A season might be on testing, for example, or data processing and visualization. This particular season (our first) is about Python dev tools: libraries and utilities that revolve around package and release management.

This season has lessons and exercises on:

cookiecutter: a way to reduce writing tedious boilerplate code when you start new projects

sphinx: a powerful and customizable documentation generator, lets you show off your beautiful code to friends, coworkers, and the whole internet.

setuptools: share your code with the world, so you can pip install yourcoolthing

flake8: clean up your code to make it easier to communicate with other programmers

ipython: a much nicer shell than the default, plus notebook superpowers

When you preorder, you'll also be joining the mailing list, which entitles you to an additional free lesson.

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$19 $15.20

setattr season 1: developer tools

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