Inner Power Core Yoga with Elaina Green - Waipuilani Beach, Maui

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For this practice, use a small ball, pillow or rolled up blanket: anything you can place pressure upon for the core focused portion of class. Preview on YouTube: .

Welcome Yogi's! Download this Yoga Practice for Inner Peace today and be sure to check out our other Yoga Practices as well: Filmed and broadcasted live in Maui in Hawaii, follow us as we showcase several different gorgeous locations across the island while visiting family & friends.

Specializing in Yoga, Guided Meditation, the Subconscious Mind and Self Development; since 2010, Maui Yoga Live has been offering classes to better serve the community, help people succeed in life, and strives to leave this world a better place for us now, and for the future generations to come.

The greatest gift we can give to ourselves and others is to do the work on ourselves. The people we effect in our every day lives NEEDS us balanced.

Here, in this yoga and meditation practice, we can shut down the broadcast and come into ourselves. Let's explore our own inner truths and infinite possibilities. All is self, and together, we can create a healthier world we all can thrive in.

What happens to one of us, happens to ALL of us and we rise by lifting each other! Let's empower ourselves and each other as we move into this new world with its ever changing new energies.

Together, let's set a strong intention on envisioning a healthy, thriving & abundant relationship with our families, friends, co-workers, acquaintances, and in our home life, work, community, city, state, country, world and beyond.

Emitting Wholeness & Balanced Energies to All!

Aloha, Mahalo & Namaste,

Elaina & Corey Green

Maui | Yoga | Live

Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better. -Albert Einstein

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Inner Power Core Yoga with Elaina Green - Waipuilani Beach, Maui

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